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Start your own recession proof, easy to start, low cost, in demand, very profitable but most importantly FUN business. Most pet owners consider their pets as part of the family and are continually looking at ways to improve their quality of life.  Pet Sitting is a rapidly growing industry with more and more pet owners opting to leave their pets at home to be cared for by a Pet Sitter. This course will suit those who wish to make money out of Petsitting and build a viable business. Even if you already have your own Pet sitting business, we will still be providing you with very useful business advice.


Course duration: on average 6 months home study.


Maximum Time allowed 2 years from purchase date.


Qualification on completion – MDBA Certificate of Achievement.


Entry requirement  - Students must have basic English literacy and numeracy skills.


Minimum education - Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.


Computer requirements - Students will need access to a computer and the internet.


Fees - $350 – Member Discount applies - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for codes


Course Overview


Unit 1

Is Pet Sitting Right for You?

Assessing what you know now, and what you need to know more about.

Ethical considerations.

Pet sitting etiquette

Sorting out what services you will provide

Description of the business services you will provide

Motives for the business

Opportunity and Strategy

Business goals and objectives

Your target market

Financial considerations

Business structure and legal requirements



Unit 2

Market research and Analysis

Current state of the industry

Market size and trends

Competitor SWOT analysis

Profiling your potential customer base

Customer motives and expectations of using your services

Competition and competitive advantage


3. Marketing Plan


Service description and details

Development and Marketing

Marketing strategy

Features and benefits

Innovative marketing strategies

Pricing strategy


Advertising and promotion

Customer relations and service policies.

Marketing Action Plan


4. Operations Plan


Equipment required

Processes involved in service provision

Work place health and safety

Policies and procedures

Risk analysis and management

Financial Resources


5. Financial Plan

Establishment costs

Cash Flow forecast

Setting budget targets

Debt Control

Record keeping

Specialist Services required


6. Action Plan

Animal training skills

Animal first aid


Office and booking organisation


The initial interview

Hiring Employees.


7. Bringing it all together -


Unit consists of an assessment and exam 










Course Name


Certificate in Breeding Kennel Management                     Purchase this course


Course Description


This course has been introduced to address basic breeding kennel management theory, practical application and dog care with a focus on what is best for the dogs which live their lives in a breeding colony from a best practice welfare perspective and how that impacts on results. It is suited to anyone who breeds dogs and owns more than 3 fertile animals.


It has assessment tasks and a major project with a min 10 hour work experience component.


Pre requisite – none


Course duration: on average 12 months home study self-paced.


Maximum Time allowed


30 months from purchase date.


Qualification on completion – MDBA Certificate of Achievement.


Entry requirements Students must have Basic English literacy and numeracy skills.


Minimum education Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.


Computer requirements Students will need access to a computer and the internet.


Fees - $463.00 – Member Discount applies Email for prices


Unit 1. Ethics, law, codes and regulations, best practice and mandatory regulations. Schedules of inoculation, disease control, and parasites. Site evaluation. Nutrition and welfare management. Breed type and size specific considerations. Much of this is relative to breeding protocols which are touched on here but which are looked at in details in the Canine Breeding Courses.


Unit 2


This unit will ensure the student has an understanding of the importance of effective Management of the Environment and Disease Control. Maintaining a Proper Kennel Environment and Hygiene and Sanitation of Kennel Runs and exercise areas. Much of this is relative to the design of the kennel which is touched on here but will be looked at in much closer detail in the Diploma of Kennel Management Course.


Unit 3


This unit will introduce the student to issues regarding housing of animals of various ages and types, management and segregation of male and female animals pre, during and post breeding, life stage requirements, grooming, training and socialisation in a breeding kennel setting and visitor attendance, management and reception.


Unit 4


Stress Management of Dogs in a Kennel Environment. This unit will teach students the factors to consider in identifying and reducing stress in dogs and staff in a breeding kennel setting, maintaining a quiet stress free kennel environment and the importance of daily visual inspections


Unit 5 This unit will show the student the basics of emergency first aid and the skills and equipment required to be prepared for an emergency situation including disaster management plans.


Unit 6 This unit will teach students the importance of keeping records and will discuss the basics of what records need to be maintained in a breeding kennel setting Staffing recruitment levels and duties training and supervision and management. Procedures and assessment mechanisms.


Unit 7 Work experience placement and major project.


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Our courses are well received and are recognised by employers and clients. They are designed to be able to be completed by students regardless of where they live and as such it is not possible for our courses to be accredited by any particular industry package.

Course Name


Certificate in Breeding Kennel Management                         Purchase this course


Course Description


This course has been introduced to address basic breeding kennel management theory, practical application and dog care with a focus on what is best for the dogs which live all or a major part of their lives in a breeding colony from a best practice welfare perspective and how that impacts on results. It is suited to anyone who breeds dogs and owns more than 3 fertile animals. It has assessment tasks and a major project with a min 10 hour work experience component. This course helps the breeder to understand what they should do as well as what they have to do to comply with laws and regulation to provide the best welfare outcomes. 


Pre requisitenone


Course duration: on average 12 months home study self-paced.


Maximum Time allowed 30 months from purchase date.


Qualification on completion – MDBA Certificate of Achievement.


Entry requirements


Students must have Basic English literacy and numeracy skills.


Minimum education


Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.


Computer requirements


Students will need access to a computer and the internet.


Fees - $330.00 – Member Discount applies Email for prices


Unit 1.


Ethics, law, codes and regulations, best practice and mandatory regulations. Schedules of inoculation, disease control, and parasites. Site evaluation. Nutrition and welfare management. Breed type and size specific considerations. Much of this is relative to breeding protocols which are touched on here but which are looked at in details in the Canine Breeding Courses.


Unit 2


This unit will ensure the student has an understanding of the importance of effective Management of the Environment and Disease Control. Maintaining a Proper Kennel Environment and Hygiene and Sanitation of Kennel Runs and exercise areas.

Much of this is relative to the design of the kennel which is touched on here but will be looked at in much closer detail in the Diploma of Kennel Management Course.


Unit 3


This unit will introduce the student to issues regarding housing of animals of various ages and types, management and segregation of male and female animals pre, during and post breeding, life stage requirements, grooming, training and socialisation in a breeding kennel setting and visitor attendance, management and reception.


Unit 4


Stress Management of Dogs in a Kennel Environment.
This unit will teach students the factors to consider in identifying and reducing stress in dogs and staff in a breeding kennel setting, maintaining a quiet stress free kennel environment and the importance of daily visual inspections


Unit 5

This unit will show the student the basics of emergency first aid and the skills and equipment required to be prepared for an emergency situation including disaster management plans.


Unit 6


This unit will teach students the importance of keeping records and will discuss the basics of what records need to be maintained in a breeding kennel setting Staffing recruitment levels and duties training and supervision and management. Procedures and assessment mechanisms.


Unit 7


Work experience placement and major project.


Purchase this course

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